Adobe Shape, one of several new apps released by Adobe in October of 2014, is a pretty fun way to create scalable vector art for use in Photoshop. Labelled as one of three "Capture Apps" (Adobe Color and Adobe Brush are the others), these tools enable you to capture inspiration from the world around you, right on your iPhone. You can either capture new images with the camera, or pull up existing photos from your camera roll, as I did.
Below are a few of my first attempts, intentionally kept nice and simple. Worth noting is that I pulled these images into Photoshop from the new Creative Cloud Libraries panel. A simple drag and drop action into an open document. I grouped each image with a gradient layer, and I then used the Extract Assets widget in Photoshop to generate web assets quickly and easily, at three different resolutions.
The apps themselves are free to download and use, but a Creative Cloud membership (even a free, basic membership) is needed to truly explore and utilize the integration between the touch apps and the desktop apps.
Check out these new apps and have some fun!