Our friends, Liz and Doug, owners of Mileham Show Horses, recently invited us up for dinner, and to meet the newest addition to their stable, a pretty little filly named Eve. We started the visit with a short hike at their nearby hunting camp - 200+ beautiful acres of wilderness near Norwood, Ontario - then returned to the stables to meet Eve and her mother, "Julie knows the rules".
We were in store for a real treat on this visit, both Eve and her mom were outside, untethered, and when we entered the enclosure, Eve wasted no time coming up to meet us. Liz was pretty impressed with Eve's independance (she didn't wait for her mother) and her curiosity. So were we. I certainly wasn't expecting to get nearly as close as I did, but this proximity made the images that much more powerful, in my opinion.
Obviously, Eve is quite ferocious and deathly afraid of humans...
I learned later that it's better to shoot from a lower angle to get ideal horse photos. I'm planning to employ that new knowledge on my next visit.
Eve made an excellent subject for an Adobe PaintCan project. I was able to minimize a lot of the background details using PaintCan, bringing the eye back to the horse. Yes, I could also have cropped the image, but I liked to composition better when not cropped.
Well, maybe not so wild. But beautiful, all the same.
To see more of these beautiful animals, check out my other project, The Horse Show.
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