Hallowe'en 2015
Hallowe'en is one of my favorite times of year. In fact, I'd say - for me - Hallowe'en is as big a deal as Christmas. Each year for the past 20 (Wow - TWENTY!!) I've set up some sort of Hallowe'en display. It started off pretty modest, but it's grown. I'm by no means the fanciest or creepiest of displays, but I'm proud to say that almost every year, at least one kid is too scared to come up the walkway. And often, it's more than 1 or 2. That is a badge of honor. :-)
Below are shots of this year's display, the Walkway of Terror, as it was being created. I didn't have much time this year; I've been travelling for work so I really only had yesterday and part of today to pull it together, and most of the heavy work was done yesterday, after arriving home from a 6am flight.
I'll have more images soon, after I process the shots from my DSLR. But for now, I hope you enjoy these vignettes.

The driveway, as I pull out everthing for the display. I have most of a storage shed filled with gruesome items for this one special night (most of the display has to come down at the end of the evening to discourage vandals, sadly). We add a thing or two each year, and sometimes get rid of a prpop that is broken. I'm happy to say that even though many items stay the same, each year, the cemetary looks a little different.

Our pride and joy is this 3-foot tall, plaster gargoyle. We've had his guy for at least 6 years and he always gets a good, "feature" location.

One of my favorite (and more expensive) props, this ground-breaker has been part of the scene for two years now.

I've updated this project with new images cpatured on my DLSR. Enjoy!