I've been experimenting with timelapse for a while now, albeit in a very simple fashion. I don't have any fancy gear (yet) so I am handling things such as panning from within the software (Photoshop, Premier). I'm happy with my results so far and plan on doing more of this. BTW, it's great practice to test out what you want to do in or near the comfort of your own home. The last timelapse in this project was shot this summer (2014), in my backyard.
Sunset on Rabbit Blanket Lake
This is a new timelapse I captured on my yearly camping trip. I made things a little more challenging in this capture, by recording a scene where the light was constantly changing - primarily getting darker as the the sun set.
Cloud movement on Burnfield lake
My first timelapse, captured on the 2012 camping trip near Lake Superior.
Sundown on the Beach
Garden Timelapse
A short timelapse from the back of my garden. Edited (including the panning) entirely within Photoshop CC.
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