This weekend marked the the last true weekend of summer for 2015. It's been a wonderful, but far too quick, first season at the cottage. We have a few more weeks yet before we close up, and I'm looking forward to capturing the fall colours, albeit in a bitter-sweet sort of way.
With the rush and excitement of summer now a recent memory, I find the cottage and the resort in general very peaceful and relaxing. Fewer cottagers are up, and those that are seem to be more relaxed, focusing on those end-of-season chores or simply just taking it easy and enjoying the far less frenetic pace of this time of year.
With Sunday, came the first breaths of autumn; a chill in the morning air, that soon warmed into a beautiful day. And with such a gorgeous day, naturally the camera came out. This project shows a few scences from around the cottage (including the cottage itself), but then takes you on a photo-drive I took around Villiers Line and other side roads in the area.

The cottage (AKA The Fortress of Moderate Solitude).

Autumn tableau for the cottage. We purchased everything locally. (Well, OK, the flowers came from Costco, but it was a LOCAL Costco). The straw, pumpkin, corn stalks and decorative corn cobs all came from Indian River Acres.

This is a great time of year to focus on shapes and textures. Fall colour is not there yet, but you can create some very strong images by playing off the graphical elements of composition within the frame.