Colors in the Sun
From one weekend to the next, the autumn colours have exploded up at the cottage. Unlike the previous weekend, there was a lot of sunshine and interesting cloud cover. This past Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, we were treated to some spectacular colours, as you will see below. Some photos are from the cottage resort at Bellmere Winds, and others were captured on couple drives around the Bobcaygeon, Young's Point and Buckhorn areas.
Occasionally I get challenged by people who argue the need for shooting in RAW format, when modern cameras (and camera phones) can make such great captures in JPG format. I'm the first one to admit I get some pretty good shots from my practically ancient (in technology time) iPhone 5S, but one cannot argue with the depth of detail captured in a RAW image. The two shots below are case in point. The top image is a stitched panorama, processed in Lightroom CC. The second image is a panorama capture from my iPhone. Overall, both are decent, but I had to do significant cropping on the iPhone image to eliminate blown out highlights on the right. And even then, I still had to bring the image into Photoshop Fix on my iPad to do some retouching on hotspots in the cloud cover. Maybe a newer phone would have done a better job, or perhaps I should have made multiple captures and stitched them together to produce a better result from my phone. But I went for the quick option, knowing I would also shoot on my DSLR.

Even on a bright sunny day, there's still room for shallow depth of field. Treating the colorful foliage as the backdrop, not the subject.

Man vs nature. Nature once again, is on top.

Thanksgiving morning welcomed us with our first true taste of the winter to come. Cottage roofs were completely covered in frost. It faded away with the sun, but it was still a very chilly start to the day.
The Whetung Ojibwa Centre, near Buckhorn, Ontario, is a museum, interpretive centre and stunning gift shop, all wrapped up in one building. Original Native Canadian crafts and artwork from across the country are on display and for sale here. Local native artists can also display and sell their work and on the day we visited the centre, several artists were on site, working on new creations, and open to talking about their work. In respect of their work, I made no photos while inside the building. But I did capture a few shots of totem poles that look like they are being rehabilitated, all on my iPhone 5. The Centre's website, linked above, is also ecommerce-enabled; you can shop and have your purchases shipped across the globe.