In late August of 2015, after midnight, I stepped outside the cottage to yet another stupendous view of the night sky. The Milky Way was surprisingly noticeable on this night. Enough so that I fetched my camera. Working at ISO's from 3200 to 128,000, I made several exposures right from the deck. As per usual, I processed the images in Lightroom.
And then, apparently, completely forgot about the images.
I rediscovered them recently, as I was searching for other images and, well, I literally stop dead, staring at them.
It didn't take me long to realize I had to get the selects posted here, and then Flickr. But I always start on Behance; I like telling my story - even a short one - in this venue.
My processing treatment is much the same here as with other night sky shots - tungsten white balance, additional Clarity, Vibrance, minor Dehaze and the use of dual radial filters to accentuate the MIlky Way.