Photoshop Mix has been available as a free app from Adobe since June of 2014. It's not only a fun tool to play with, but it solves some important, sophisticated imaging needs without having to jump right into Photoshop itself.
Below are a few examples of how I've found Photoshop Mix useful.

This image, pulled from my Lightroom Mobile collection by Photoshop Mix, is not one of the better shots from one of my camping trips. It's underexposed, not ideally cropped.I wanted to bring out more detail, and remove my friend from the scene without cropping the image

Using Content Aware in PS Mix, I was able to quickly remove my friend Tom from the right side of this image. I also used the auto enhance and development controls to improve the image. Note the increased crispness of the image, and the noticeable improvement in detail to the treeline in the background.

While I liked this image as it was, I'm always open to experimenting. In this case, I wanted to try out some of the new "Looks" in Photoshop Mix.

My final choice was to go with the Punch look, giving the image a high contrast, illustrative appearance

On a recent visit to Alcatraz, I was fortunate enough to capture this image of the jail cells with no other tourists in the scene! The original image above is actually an HDR composite image, which I brought into Photoshop Mix for further tweaking.

This rendition made use of the Upright functionality in PS Mix to reduce distortion and straighten up the jail cell bars. I also use Smart Looks paint on the dark, gritty effect on each side of the image.
A recent iPhone shot, before and after processing in Photoshop Mix. Becuse you can only add ONE look to an open image at a time in PS MIx, I've established a workflow where I add the effect, save the file as a new image, reopen the file and process with addtional looks. I keep going until I'm happy. For example, this image took a total of four renditions. You can learn a bit more by checking out my Work in Progress for the image below. I'm finding that I really like working with Selective looks, whee, using my finger, I paint on the effect in the desired areas.

I plan to experiment more with Photoshop Mix, working on Collage style imagery next. I hope you've found these examples helpful and that they inspire you to try things out in Photoshop Mix, too. The app is currently available for the iPad and iPhone.
Have fun!