I'm planning to attend the new Behance Portfolio Review night here in Toronto, called Behance TO 2015. This will be the first time for decades I've actually participated in a portfolio review, but this project right here contains the work I'm submitting for review. It will likely grow and change as I get closer to the actual event on May 14. If you've been to my Behance site before, you will recognize most of these images. My photographic specialties these days are nature/landscape photography along with a smattering of urban landscape. I'm not limiting myself to a particular camera type in this submission either, so you will see DSLR, SmartPhone/Instagram, and even some 35mm film images.
Urban Landscape/Manmade Objects


Landscape, Large and Small

Processed images
Yes, all images are processed in some manner these days, but in the case of these 7 images, I went above and beyond the "normal" amount of processing any of my RAW images receives. From HDR merging, to Luminosity masking, to a heavier hand with Adobe Lightroom's amazing tools, these images have had much time spent on them.