Photography is more than a hobby for me. It's part of who I am, part of my soul, I guess. If I'm having a stressful day, or am hurting in some way emotionally, a half hour with my camera works wonders. It may not heal, but it helps me cope, and helps me focus on other things, even if for a short time.
The hour and a half I spent in Rouge Park on this fine fall day helped me slough off a stressful week, and soothe a tired heart. I find a lot of peace when my eye is behind the lens, and I'm sure I'm not alone in that sensation. I hope you enjoy this short series.
Oh and a teaser; pay close attention to the forest scene near the end.

After shooting this image with my camera phone, I mucked around in Instagram and then posted. I quipped that I hoped my DLSR and Lightroom were up to the task of besting this quick grab. Interestingly enough, taking this quick grab shot gave me insight into the potential of the scene in front of me, and I did indeed (see below) set up my DSLR to capture a high res version, including a series for HDR.

This is the HDR image. Still running into issues when trying to bring the HDR back into Lightroom ( I had to knock it back down to 16 bit before Lightroom would let me edit it), but I think/hope I have narrowed down the issue.

Update: Since originally posting yesterday, I've further refined these two forest scene images below.