Something I love doing is making a day trip to the wine region in Niagara. This time around we toured several wineries and sampled their icewines. In a word - Yum. A piece of trivia for you non-Ontarians: Ontario produces 80% of all the icewine
We've got the right climate and produce some exceptional wines and icewines.
This series is both DSLR and iPhone. The iPhone shots are here primarily because I forgot to grab my camera at a couple locations. Even though the day was heavily overcast, I think I still managed to pull off some decent images, thanks to the help of Lightroom and on my phone, Aviary and Waterlogue.
While only Trius, Colaneri and Ravine wineries are features here, we made stops at Henry of Pelham, Fielding, and Hinterbrooke as well.
I hope you enjoy.
Ravine Vineyard
The rest of these shots are from one of my newest favorite wineries, Ravine. I love the old pick up truck out front, which doubles (so I've heard) as a massive BBQ for summer events.
For the icewine event, they paired thiers with an absolutely delicious (and generous serving of) home made beef stew.